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 Planning Like a Pro

   That is what we do!
   In a fabolous easy way.

Free planning system

Makes it easy for invidual, full family and small company.

Register with family or company name and add members when you are logged in. That way it´s easy to arrange plans in a way that suits you/family/company best.

Everyone is the BOSS

With this system everyone is equal and have the same control over everything and are able to add and change/update plans.

Build your plan with honestly & trust.

Plans can have a member to be in charge for a worktask or be for all.

Company example: Name1 answer the phone and the person on line wants to speak to Name2. Name2 is busy so Name1 add a new plan with Name2 as person in charge. Name2 look at the view and find the information that is needed and solve the issue.

Family example: Name1 finnish the bread, but are not able to buy new, instead add a new plan with all as person in charge so anyone that are able can buy new bread and solve it. Member3 are ready to enter shop, but decide to see if there is any new plan first. Notice that the bread is finnished and buy it directly and change the status to started, and when Member3 get home the status is changed to succed.

Try IT

Login before you register to see how it works.

Name: Test
Pass: Test

When you register
pick a name and password that your members can remember, but not to easy so other can guess it.


Website are growing and futures will be added as fast it is ready.

Right now the Planning future is working and it´s possible to make one page website. Blogg will very soon be added to it.

Join in the beginning and see how it will grow.

© Planning Like a Pro